Ever notice how a few weeks away from the office upgrades your mood? You have ideas…and visions. You develop plans for making those visions a reality. That’s why companies have off-site meetings and vacation benefits—to give you a renewed sense of meaning and purpose.

Haha. Companies just want you out of the office. It’s a way to expose any shenanigans: the auditors know your accounting tricks need daily attention or the whole scam crumbles like a stale Saltine. Or they want to clean. Or—in the case of off-sites—the owner wants to ski Vail on the company dime.

For all those reasons, we took some time off. We had vacations and an off-site where we all played and got tipsy together. We did team-building exercises. We did not flirt with anyone, though. We’re not reckless.

And it was massively refreshing until yesterday, when we dragged ourselves back into the office and the work began again. And the crash is just about as low as the high was high. But no regrets.

Thanks for all the questions and encouragement. Glad to know we were missed. And…all said…we’re happy to be back. Digging through the mail now. Someone will get back to you soon.

Image: Polar bear plunge, New Year’s Day 2009, Bradford Beach, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, by Dori, via Wikimedia Commons.